"I loved engineering because I could learn from my mistakes while building the car, other people could help me and I could help them too."

— South Side STEM Camper 

Support the South Side STEM Camp

It is a goal for UChicago STEM Education to provide students in the communities surrounding the University access to high-quality summer STEM learning opportunities. We are raising funds to provide a high-quality STEM focused summer camp for rising 5th and 6th grade elementary students during the summer of 2023. 

The South Side STEM Summer Camp will serve as a platform for students entering grades 5 and 6 to build passion and confidence for STEM through a deep dive into engaging content and through activities that are explicitly designed to foster students’ growth mindsets as STEM learners. Throughout the camp, students engage in mathematics, engineering and cryptography with University educators. As a result of their participation, students develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence in these disciplines.

The camp will include small-group instruction, collaborative and hands-on activities, and authentic problem solving tasks—all designed to develop students’ conceptual understanding, promote positive engagement, emphasize integration across STEM, and make connections with the real world and STEM careers.

Our goal is to raise $30,000 to provide 30 students with a 2-week in-person camp experience. The camp will be led by staff from UChicago STEM Education and will utilize research-based teaching and learning practices.

Help us give the gift of STEM education to 30 rising 5th and 6th graders. By joining the movement, you’re providing scholarships and supplies so that students have everything they need to learn. 

What Your Gift Could Do: 

$25 - Provide a set of math, engineering, or cryptography materials for 1 student

$50 - Sponsor camp t-shirts for 10 students

$100 - Provide all camp materials and supplies for 1 student 

$500 - Sponsor 1 student to attend 1-week full-day STEM summer camp

$750 - Provide 30 students with cryptography materials

$1,000 - Sponsor 1 student to attend the 2-week full-day STEM summer camp

"I think the camp has fueled his interest in math and science and given him more confidence to try things. He gets frustrated when things aren't just right and to have more experience with it being okay to try things was great."

- Parent of South Side STEM Camper



Will you help us send elementary students to camp?
